Our Positions

  • Democracy

    FMC cautions the West not to try to impose Western democracy in the Middle East. The best form of government is the form of government that keeps the peace in a given society.

  • Don't Blame the Jews or Palestinians. Accept Them.

    One of the most harmful and dangerous aspects of the conflict is the tendency to point fingers. The extremists on both sides-whether they are advocates for Israel or vocal supporters of Palestine-seem to find comfort in demonizing the other group, painting them as entirely responsible for the suffering of their own people.

  • Economic Development

    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, spanning over a century, remains one of the most intractable disputes in modern history. Rooted in deep historical, political, and cultural divides, the conflict persists despite numerous efforts for resolution. A critical yet often overlooked component of lasting peace is economic development. More specifically, the creation of a unified economic system-where Israelis and Palestinians are equal citizens of a single state with one open market-has the potential to transform the region.

  • Equality is a Solution

    The only solution that has produced coexistence and peace between Palestinians and Jews is the Equal Rights Solution. Approximately 20% of Israel is made up of Palestinians who were granted Israeli citizenship. They enjoy more rights than Palestinians from Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza. None of the Palestinians with Israeli citizenship are throwing rocks or rockets at Israel. Equality is a Solution.

  • Israel/Palestine--One-State v. Two State Solution

    No issue evokes the passion of Muslims and Arabs as much as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is so important to Arabs and Muslims that every political group from Morocco to Indonesia that seeks legitimacy and a following, places the "liberation" of Palestine at the forefront of their agenda.

  • Peace Through Equality

    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has raged for over a century, remains one of the most contentious and heartbreaking struggles in the world today. Many have attempted to find solutions, but one thing is clear: the only way forward for lasting peace is a solution based on equality whereby Palestinians and Israelis share a united country as equal citizens. The "Equal Rights Solution" is not only the most viable path to peace but also the only proven approach that has worked in other struggles for justice and equality.

  • Terrorism vs. Nonviolence

    Advocating for a one-state solution through non-violence is not only morally compelling but strategically smarter for Palestinians seeking equal rights and justice. A one-state solution, where both Palestinians and Israelis share equal rights in a unified country, is fundamentally a civil rights issue. Framing the struggle in terms of civil rights as opposed to violence or terrorism creates a stronger moral and political argument that resonates not only with Palestinians but also with international audiences, especially those in the West, including Americans.

  • Women's Rights & Gender Equality

    Central to this solution is the promotion of gender equality, which has the potential to shape both the political and social landscapes of a unified state, facilitating the reconciliation and cooperation needed for lasting peace.